The Next Generation.
May 17, 2021
Africa Alive is an initiative in line with our 2020/21 vision to Let The Nations Be Glad.
As a family of churches, Disciple Nations aims to raise 2400 next generation church leaders, between 18 and 28 yrs old, over the next 5 years – called Africa Alive Champions. Each one able to :-
- communicate Christ from personal revelation relationship
- generate profit and enable their community to do the same
- demonstrate character especially in the areas of money, sex and power.
Alan Norton, Muss Maramwidze, Andrew Ellis, Tongai Mahobele, Charllote Ngandu, Ruvi Mubika are just a few of the River of Lifers who are actively involved in leading and discipling this movement which spans all Provinces of Zimbabwe…and is taking shape in Zambia and Mozambique as well.
We have around 100 prospective Champions in place – Mondhoro, Chihota, Chiweshe, Domboshava, Nkayi, Ntabazinduna, and other locations….currently placing in the region of 10000 chickens per week and generating around US$25k per week in revenue.
We will keep updating River of Life on these developments and hoping for more opportunities for people to get directly involved in nurturing this exciting next generation.
Blessings and love

Ps – this is a pic of our latest camp held at the beautiful Zambesi Holidays venue with 38 next generation potential leaders.