January 18, 2022
For absolute sure, there is coming a day when all value will be re-calibrated before our eyes.
On that day the USD, the RTGS, the Bitcoin, the Land, the Gold, the Car, the Louis Vuitton suitcase, will all reduce to zero and be utterly worthless to us.
Whether you believe in Jesus or not, all value will be absolutely redenominated as we breath our last breath.
If the Gospel is true, the revelation of real value in that moment will be astounding. In a burning flash there will be the sudden revaluation of relationship over any resource. What will count for all eternity is your love for Jesus and his people.
In that moment, every act of faithfulness to God and others will be of infinite and eternal worth.
It is for this reason that Jesus commissioned his disciples to ‘go and make disciples…’. The greatest long-term investment of our lives would be to follow Jesus in this very call – for the glory of God and the good of his people.
See you for SEVEN this week as we explore the exciting adventure of following Jesus in the real eternal purpose of our fading temporary lives.