November 26, 2021
The joy and privilege of raising and releasing the next generation is a capacity that God has created each of us with.
It is in-built within us to delight in children and to see them nurtured to their full potential.
Jesus exemplified this creation blessing, to ‘be fruitful, increase, multiply and fill the earth’ as he commissioned those he had raised up to ‘go into all the earth and make disciples of all nations’.
We are so thankful, as a church, for the way that Helen and the ROLKids teams have served so faithfully over the years, and especially persevering through these crazy covid months.
Please be praying this holiday season about how you can be actively involved in raising up the next generation. We need men and women, single and married, older and younger, every River-of-Lifer, to be engaged in the place that God has designed for each.
We are coming out of lockdown and are so excited to build on this strength. ❤️🤸🏾♂️❤️☺️
Here are a couple of ways that you will be hearing about in the coming weeks:
– 5th Dec 2021
Carols evening with church-wide pledging for Michael Project 2022 as part of Celebrate Bethlehem, Celebrate Jesus.
– 16th Jan 2022
Celebrate Children, Celebrate Jesus
First full in-person Sunday Service since lockdown – given to profiling children. Sign-ups for various ways of engaging with Rock, Rockets and other contexts with next generation.
– 23rd Jan 2022
More opportunities for engaging with prayer, serving, teaching etc.
It is truly amazing that Jesus said, ‘What you do for the least of these you have done for me.’
It is truly a privilege and joy to raise and release the next generation – let’s go for it!