Make Disciples of All Nations
May 5, 2022
This is the first church planted among the Doma tribe, a previously unreached people group on the remote confluence between Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique – River of Life Chiramba.
Initial contact came through the OM Prayer Handbook which specified this area as unreached. Clapperton Muturiki and the River of Life Westgate church has invested 6 years of monthly visits by public transport and various sacrificial service.
Those who have put their faith in Christ in the Kanyemba area have built this structure entirely of their own means and resources.
We had the joy of appointing two elders, from this special Doma tribe – Tirivangani Nyakutepa and Jivas Kamangira. An awesome team from ROL Westgate also brought gifts of clothes and food. OM was represented and we rejoiced together.
The hosting by the local church was phenomenal. The woman cooked sadza in 200 litre drums on open Mopane wood fires, serving the most delicious dishes in spectacular clothing.
There were many rivers to cross and too many stories to tell, but this is just the beginning! The sense of purpose at the moment of appointment was very compelling – Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28.19-20).
What an atmosphere of love, joy and peace