
We are very clear about the kind of church God has called us to be; a church on mission, full of people who love God, who love people and who are alive in all the purpose that God has created them for.
To this end, we value the following elements of church-life that God has designed for the Church to exhibit, and we seek to develop the full expression of these increasingly as God gives us strength:
1. The Lordship of Jesus Christ
2. The Power and the Presence of the Holy Spirit
3. The Final Authority of God’s Word
4. Grace
5. Pioneering then Pastoral
6. The Priesthood of all Believers
7. Life Groups
8. Transparent, Down-to-Earth Leadership
9. Apostolic and Prophetic Foundations
10. Cross-cultural expression
11. Church-planting
12. Remembering the Poor
13. Kingdom People
14. Healthy Families & Raising Godly Children
15. Generosity
16. Prayerful
17. Worshipping