
PJ and Ashleigh Smyth planted River of Life Church, with a core group of friends. They met on Sunday evenings at St.John’s Preparatory School. The church rapidly grew to a lively congregation of over 150 people in 6 months and to 300 by 2001.

River of Life submitted themselves to the apostolic leadership of Terry Virgo and joined Newfrontiers International (an Apostolic network of churches). Moved to Mount Pleasant School Hall.

The church was offered the use of what used to be Emmanuel Church premises in Eastlea, which enabled us to keep a growing congregation in Mount Pleasant and plant the River of Life Eastlea congregation. ROL Westgate and ROL Bulawayo (which in now New Creation Church) were also subsequently planted. River of Life Mount Pleasant continued to meet until they themselves later planted out into more sites.

Emmanuel Church eventually donated the building to ROL Eastlea. Construction of what we now call the Main Hall began the Eastlea site.

In 2004, after the Smyths were called to Johannesburg to establish GodFirst Church, Scott Marques was appointed as Lead Elder of River of Life Church.

In 2011 we purchased the BCD building next door for children’s work. In 2013 major renovations on the BCD building began. Renovations on BCD completed in 2014

Greystone Park Fellowship (who had also joined Newfrontiers) asked Scott for assistance in helping them through a leadership transition phase. River of Life Eastlea merged with Greystone Park Church to create the current multi-site River of Life Church. One church, two sites, five Sunday meetings.

A church of just over 1500 adults and children! God continues to bless and grow River of Life Church, and each of the other Disciple Nations Churches in Zimbabwe, which have all planted subsequent churches, whilst strengthening and supporting a number of other congregations.