DNA Churches in Kaitano
August 2, 2022
4 churches in Kaitano have grown a flock of 180 goats to 512 over the last year. They have done this through natural birth as well as addition of purchased animals. Their goal is 2000 by end of 2024, to be the largest flock of goats in Zimbabwe.
Africa Alive, an initiative of DNa, continues to catalyse productivity in churches with a view to seeing next generation leaders Communicating Christ, Generating Profit and Demonstrating Character.
Young men and women sang through the night, from 10pm to 530am as we celebrated this initiative in Kaitano. There are new churches joining and a new church-plant taking off just over the border in Mozambique.
The older generation is backing this movement in a wholehearted way, including local headmen.
We awarded prizes for Largest Buck, Largest Female Nursery and Largest Overall Flock.
All the hosting, provision and logistics for 250 people was handled entirely by the local churches – catering done on open fires through the night. Amazing joy, unity and capacity.
Very exciting to see the church leading and blessing the community in this way.
It was a joy to travel with Nicholas Mugurahoko, Tongai Mahobele, Muss Maramwidze and John Mavhura from Dotito as team.