B2B Thanks & COVID Update
August 16, 2021
Hi River of Lifers,
Thanks so much for the amazing support for the B2B team. I was happy to get to The Falls in one piece and was very impressed with the whole event. What a great experience. And I believe we have exceeded our target fund-raising for the new classroom block at Chikurubi Prison, which is fantastic!

COVID Update
At some point on our B2B travels the news came through of the government’s alllowance of churches to meet in-person on the condition of each person showing a COVID-19 double vaccination certificate.
Any easing of the restrictions is hopeful and welcome, especially as we are now over 18 months into this pandemic which has been incredibly challenging. However, it is difficult to see how this latest announcement will have any practical impact for River of Life as yet.
Perhaps the toughest issue for us is the concept of having to turn anyone away. We are built on a value of inclusivity, welcoming people just as they are, encouraging everyone to come to Jesus and receive from Him for their lives. So the idea of separating people at the door on the basis of a certificate would be very counter-intuitive or counter-cultural for us.
I know that the EFZ and Heads of Christian Denominations are in constructive discussions with government on this issue. No doubt there will be further pronouncements coming out in the next couple of weeks.
In the mean time our plan is to continue as follows :
- massive encouragement to the whole church on PERSONAL BIBLE READING and PRAYER in your secret place. Real engaging with Jesus personally. (Please pray for the leaders of ROL and the National Church for wisdom at this time.)
- massive encouragement to the church to participate in SMALL GROUPS (in whatever format works for your group). Please contact the church on 078 391 0799 if you need assistance with this.
- massive encouragement to track with our MINOR PROPHETS series online until 5th Sept and then BIBLICAL WOMANHOOD online on Sept 12th.
- from Sept 12th we will be able to reassess the situation and make plans for the final months of 2021. Really hoping for an easing of restrictions.
Thank-you for your faithfulness, generosity, consistency and participation in so many amazing ways. I am constantly aware of love being shown amongst us as a church as we walk this amazing journey of life together, loving one another through it all. For sure, COVID-19 will be part of our story for eternity, especially how we responded in faith through the midst of all the trial.
Huge love and blessings to you,
Scott and the ROL team.