It’s looks like it’s all happening
October 11, 2024
A sobering, yet promising, final consultation with Dr. Ashmoore today, before Stem Cell Transplant set for next week.
Sobering in that one ‘signs consent’ to a number of pages of stuff, which also clarifies the extremity of the disease and the ferocity of the proposed action.
I sometimes find it hard to reckon with it all. Cancer originating in lymph nodes, detected also in blood, spleen and bone marrow, unlikely to father any more children after this (🤔), some don’t make it through, etc etc. 😱wow.
Promising in that I keep getting called a ‘young patient’…or even ‘young and fit, should handle it!’ Also, exciting talk of how well I feel now and may well be even better in 4-6 months. And lots of talk of new developments in treatment in case needed in the future …and the overarching ultimate reality of my peace and hope and joy in Christ.
Quite a day.
It’s looks like it’s all happening. Thick triple line into the jugular on Tuesday next week, and the Big Gun chemo starts Wednesday for 6 days forward, then dialysis and then infusion…and the rest follows . I’ll probably do a quick-ref guide sheet for those who may want to track with it for the next couple of weeks.
I’m looking forward to having Claire home tomorrow, back from what sounds like was a tremendous time at Global ‘24.
I hear good reports and am expectant for all that is ahead as we keep following The Lord together. (Two pics that brought me joy attached)
I may be quiet this weekend but will likely message again on Monday before going in to hospital.
Off to walk at the Golf Course ⛳️ 🐦
Thank-you for all your prayer and support…it’s been needed for longer than I expected….but I am VERY grateful and believe we are getting there.
Thanks and huge love,