Day +2 : Feeling Stronger
October 25, 2024
Whoohhooo! 9 hrs sleep, no headache or vomiting, feeling stronger today.
Now 3 days away from the last chemo and beginning to feel some normalcy returning to overall equilibrium, energy levels etc. (the schedule shows that I’m due in hospital for a couple of intense isolation weeks…and then depending on progress I hope to be able to move out into lesser isolated, but still secluded, situations for some time…maybe until Christmas / New Year. All remains to be seen as they constantly tell me ‘every case in different’.
Yesterday may have been the low point?! Not sure yet.
Platelets were at 40, neutrophils heading to zero. But, amazingly, no blood tests done today. I think (in my non-medical rationale) it’s for three reasons :-
1). We think all his inidicarors are doing what is expected, so give the guy a break for a day.
2). It’s not such fun to see your immune system at zero, so just let it pass today!
3). We will treat him symtpomatically anyway, so we will just make sure he is ok with platelets or anything else he may need in the day on an hour-by-hour basis.
All in all, I’m very thankful to have my taste and appetite in place, drinking lots of water and going regularly, heard the birds outside for the first time this week (!), and hoping that my Stem Cells are finding all the best places for good regeneration throughout.
I’ll probably slow down on updates now as I don’t want to over-bombard….but I do value your PRAYER IMMENSELY – THANK-YOU.
Roy Chimanikire sent me this pic of the Call To Worship Pastors at a meeting at Northside Church recently, and where I was prayed for so caringly – I felt quite overwhelmed as I know and love so many of these amazing people.
My hope and joy continues to be in Jesus, for I am convinced that :
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
then to trust in man (incl machines/medicine/money)
(Ps 118.8)
His refuge is a resting place of enduring provision through the all of the best and the worst that life can through at us…even welling up to eternal life with God in holiness for ever.
I have known this hope and joy not as some ethereal or difficult -to-attain concept, but rather very presently and practically in the peace and joy I have had in the midst of extraordinary pain and challenge. In this refuge I have known the sheer joy and power of physical perseverance, financial re-prioritising and provision, social blessing, practical considerations. Startlingly, i note how easily my primary focus can be move to these things themselves, and then, soon after, I begin to compare and selfishly wish i had even more and even better.
I have found that my delight in Christ through these days has truly earthed me in the joy of His knowledge of what is best for His Greastest Glory, and My Greatest Joy IN HIM. The focus becomes not so much the cytaribine drip, or the kidney function itself, as it does become to overriding joy and confidence in the one who can bear all our Hope and Faith and Joy and Love.
Much love