21st Oct : 730am
October 21, 2024
Another good night 💤🌙🌟…6 or 7 hours sleep! Nurses being so kind. Very joyful and peaceful in The Lord.
Big day and much unknown. Big Re-Set…and hoping for it to all go well…maybe even a more vibrant immune system and constitution than I’ve had in recent years. Wow. Much to hope for.
More than anything else, I’m more amazed at how The Holy Spirit enables us to see Jesus, bringing glory to Our Father in Heaven, despite all fullness and compromise in us and around us.
God HIMSELF – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, trumps everything of this world…the best and the worst…is nothing in comparison to who He is. And we are freely invited in to his glory ‘To this he called you, through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ’ (2Thes 2.14)
Oh what love, what joy, what peace!
Where is Mohammed, where is Buddha, where is Caesar, Elon Musk, Robert Mugabe? Where are our houses and cars and certificates? Where is the Grave, where is Sin, where is Death, where is Cancer, where is Satan?…where are you and me? Answer : IN CHRIST – through his life, his cross and his resurrection – everything and everyone in their rightful place – whoohhooo!
In Christ, ‘all the fullness of God was please to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross’. (Col 1v19-20)
I can approach today with such confidence that my hope is in Christ and not essentially in and drugs or any ultimate result, which are all fleeting anyway…my hope is in the eternal life of Christ and He has my life. Peace – BOOM.
Worshipping this morning with track 10 – Son of Suffering
Truly GLORIOUS He is, and that he reaches for me (and you).
A God who weeps, a God who bleeds – that we may be made whole in Him :
Oh, the perfect Son of God
In all His innocence
Here walking in the dirt with you and me
He knows what living is
He’s acquainted with our grief
Man of sorrows, Son of suffering
The blood and tears
How can it be?
There’s a God who weeps
There’s a God who bleeds
Oh, praise the One
Who would reach for me
Some imagine You
Are distant and removed
But You chased us down in merciful pursuit
To the sinner You were grace
And the broken You embraced
And in the end, the proof is in Your wounds
Yes, in the end, the proof is in Your wounds
Blood and tears
How can it be?
There’s a God who weeps
There’s a God who bleeds
Oh, praise the One
Who would reach for me
Your cross, my freedom
Your stripes, my healing
All praise King Jesus
Glory to God in Heaven
Your blood, still speaking
Your love, still reaching
All praise King Jesus
Glory to God forever
Daniel 6.26-27
“…for he is the living God,
enduring forever;
his kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and his dominion shall be to the end.
He delivers and rescues;
he works signs and wonders
in heaven and on earth,
he who has saved Daniel
from the power of the lions.”
THANK-YOU for your prayer for today.
• I’m hoping for good strength in every way today. I’d appreciate prayer for that.
• And hopefully a really good setup for Dialysis tomorrow ….blood cleaning day. Taking out chemo and toxicity, to free up kidneys and to give the best canvas for the new Stem Cells coming the day after.
• and to pray for these three days to work well together :
Oct 21st : Melphalan Day
(Immune System Shutdown)
Oct 22nd : Dialysis Day
(Kidney & Blood super-detox)
Oct 23rd : Stem Cell Infusion
(Brand new, fresh, clean cells to colonize bone marrow, blood and lymphatic/immuno system)
Thanks and so much love,